Welcome and Overview
David H. Rubin, MD, David Kaye, MD
Module Topic 1: Trauma-Informed Care Syllabus
Assessment & Diagnosis, Screening & Treatment
Nayla Khoury, MD, Victor Fornari, MD
Incorporation into Your Practice
Amy Jerum, DNP, FNP, PNP, PMHS
Module 1: Q&A
Module 1 Panel
Module Topic 2: Depression Syllabus
Assessment and Diagnosis
Eric MacMaster, MD
Antidepressants, Youth and Suicide
Sarah Klagsbrun, MD
Rachel Zuckerbrot, MD
Incorporation into Your Practice
Jessica Grant, MD
Module 2: Q&A
Module 2 Panel
Module Topic 3: Reimbursement & Implementation Syllabus
Reimbursement & Implementation
Marc Lashley, MD; Colleen Mattimore, MD
Module 3: Q&A
Module 3 Panel
Welcome and Overview
David H. Rubin, MD
Module Topic 4: Anxiety Syllabus
Assessment and Diagnosis
James Wallace, MD
Zoya Popivker, DO
Incorporation into Your Practice
Amy Jerum, DNP, FNP, PNP, PMHS
Module 4: Q&A
Module 4 Panel
Assessment and Diagnosis
David Kaye, MD
Carmel Foley, MD
Incorporation into Your Practice
Maureen Montgomery, MD
Module 5: Q&A
Module 5 Panel
Module Topic 6: Bipolar Disorder Syllabus
Assessment and Diagnosis
Wanda Fremont, MD
Brett Nelson, MD
Incorporation into Your Practice
Maureen Montgomery, MD
Module 6: Q&A
Module 6 Panel