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Maternal Mental Health

MMH Intensive Training:Maternal Mental Health for Ob/Gyn & Primary Care Clinicians

Monday, September 30, 2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Marriott Syracuse Downtown
100 East Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY


MMH Intensive Training:Maternal Mental Health for Ob/Gyn & Primary Care Clinicians

Monday, September 30, 2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Marriott Syracuse Downtown
100 East Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY


This program will enhance a healthcare provider’s skills to assess, treat and manage mental health concerns in perinatal patients. The focus is to provide helpful tools and treatment strategies for ob/gyn’s, family practice, pediatric and psychiatric clinicians to utilize within their practice. This interactive program includes the full-day day, in-person training. All learning modules are presented by Project TEACH’s expert team of reproductive psychiatrists.

Project TEACH is funded by the New York State Office of Mental Health and all services and events, such as this intensive training, are offered at no-cost to
clinicians in New York State.

Learning Objectives

As a result of this program:

  • Physicians/clinicians will have increased knowledge of the risks/benefits/alternatives to the treatment of perinatal psychiatric illness which will enable them to improve informed consent and treatment of perinatal patients.
  • Physicians/clinicians will receive up to date, evidence-based information about when, what, why, and how to use medications in perinatal patients.
  • Physicians/clinicians will be able to utilize psychotherapeutic approaches which will enable them to improve their ability to treat perinatal psychiatric disorders.
Introduction & Overview

12:00-12:15 pm

Project TEACH Overview & Housekeeping Slides

Kristina Deligiannidis, MD
“How Can I Safely Prescribe Psychotropics to Pregnant Patients? An evidence-based approach to considering medications in the treatment of psychiatric disorders in pregnancy/lactation”

12:15-12:45 pm

Treatment of Unipolar Depression and Anxiety in Perinatal Patients

1:25-1:40 pm


Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Perinatal patients
Treatment of ADHD in Perinatal Patients

2:30-2:50 pm

Treatment Approaches to Insomnia in Perinatal Patients

2:50-3:10 pm

Target Audience

New York State NYS Obstetrics/gynecology and family practice physicians, psychiatrists, midwives, doulas, nursing professionals, residents, and other primary care clinicians working with perinatal patients.


This training program is a funded by the NYS Office of Mental Health as part of Project TEACH. It is offered at no cost to
physicians and clinicians affiliated with a practice that provides medical or psychiatric treatment to perinatal patients.